no more blind jokes from now on
Do you have any idea how scary it is to take the 38 Geary MUNI bus from the VA Hospital to downtown San Francisco (a 7-mile trip) then walk through the Financial District blind as a bat? No wonder why I've been so cranky yesterday and today. Yesterday, on my way home from the clinic, I had this fluorescent dye in my eyes, they were watering so much I couldn't see, and they were too sensitive to light so I couldn't wear my glasses in the bright sun. I had to wear an old pair of Jackie-O sunglasses I had while walking down Montgomery Street, eyes watering, tears running down my cheeks, eyes burning like a motherfucker, not able to see the traffic signals, or even differentiate between taxicabs and police cars (I flagged a cop and asked him to take me to North Beach...he thought I was on drugs when I tried to open the rear door). I even had to ask someone on the bus where the hell I was...I honestly couldn't even see what street we were at.
I felt like goddamn Mr. Magoo.
Of course, the guy I asked generously offered to walk me home, but this is San Francisco, and you don't let a complete stranger from the 38 Geary walk you home when you're blind.
It just tends to end badly.
Well, my eyes are much better today...not 100% mind you, but I just might be able to wear my contacts to the San Francisco Giants game tonight...because I'll be damned if I wear my clunky old glasses that have an out-of-date prescription anyway.
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